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- Earthquake felt in northern Israel, rattling communities around Sea of Galilee
Earthquake felt in northern Israel, rattling communities around Sea of Galilee
The 3.8 magnitude tremor serves as a warning to Israeli authorities that a bigger, more destructive earthquake is to expected to come

An earthquake was felt in northern Israel on Tuessday, affecting areas in the Jordan Valley.
The tremor's epicenter was in the northeastern part of the Sea of Galilee and was felt more than 10 miles away, including in Katzerin, Safed, and Tiberias.
Israel's seismological authorities said it registered a 3.8 on the Richter scale.
Northeastern Israel sits on the Jordan Rift Valley, on the side of the African tectonic plate, putting it in danger of a serious earthquake. The last major earthquake was a 6.2 earthquake in 1927 that caused significant damage and hundreds of deaths.
Israeli authorities have long warned of the next big quake, assessing that Israel is not prepared to deal with it.
Last year, a massive earthquake killed nearly 60,000 people in Turkey and Syria.